Huguette Tessier (Safe & Supported Award)
Nurse, Ottawa public Health
- Ottawa Public Health nurse for almost 30 years
- visits to play groups and direct intervention with adults and children aged 0-6 years;
- availability for private interviews with parents
- training of our stakeholders on the use of different evaluation tools and instruments such as NDDS (NDDS) and NutriStep
- facilitating the Parenting in Ottawa program in our play groups
- member of the Bilingual Francophone Ottawa Table "Best Start
- developing personalized resources based on their extensive knowledge of child development and parenting challenges
- actively participated in the development of the "Parents in Ottawa" program structures in partnership with our services and Ottawa Public Health

Irene Cameron (Engaged & Active Award)
Principal, Carson Grove Elementary
- teacher and Administrator with the OCDSB since 1974
- raised $100,00 towards kindergarten yard renovations
- sought resources to support 100 additional Syrian refugee students
- reached out to the Ottawa/Gatineau Muslim community who raised $26,000 to support the Syrian refugees
- member of the Board of Directors of the Ottawa Food Bank for 6 years
- applied and received donations of dictionaries for all Grade 3 students from the Rotary Club for the entire District while principal of Connaught Public School

Ed & Ann Keeley (Community Leadership Award)
Leaders for Life Champions/Board of Directors (Ed Keeley), Boys & Girls Club of Ottawa
- Ed has served as member of the board, program committee, and facility committe during 10 years with BGCO
- uses voice to advocate for young people and has spoken about role as an officer in the Ottawa Police Service
- has been an integral part of BGCO's annual Leaders for Life Graduation event, inspiring youth and supporting them in their journey
- supported the development of scholarships that help youth get to the next level in their careers and lives

Syrian Refugees: Early Years Collaboration (Collaborative Award)
Various Community Health Centres
- CHCs: Carlington, Centretown, Pinecrest-Queensway, Somerset-West, South-East Ottawa, Sandy-Hill, Western Ottawa CRC, and the Catholic Centre for Immigrants (oversaw coordination efforts)
- Community partners: Mothercraft and Dovercourt
- coordinated responsive services in the form of playgroups delivered several times a week for Syrian refugee children and their families directly in the hotel
- re-allocated staff from regular programming to meet acute needs of these newly arrived children and parents
- organized activities for activities, provided access to books, crafts, toys, and games
- taught new songs in English and encouraged the families to communicate in English
- provided to parents, information about the school system, childcare options, early years services, and parenting in Canada in general, and re-assurance about life in Canada and what to expect in the coming months

SWAG: Students Will All Graduate (Learning & Discovering Award)
After-school program for youth grades 9-12, Carlington Community Health Centre
- assist youth at risk of not graduating to complete high school, volunteer hours, and numeracy and literacy testing
- 4 nights a week, includes a healthy snack, academic support, social recreation, and leadership skill development
- to date has assisted 75 youth to obtain the necessary credits for Gr 9 and 10, and 90% have completed the necessary volunteer hours
- assisted youth in organizing winter carnival for community members, volunteered at the Market Mobile, fund-raised and offered free BBQ to Caldwell residents, participated in capital Clean Up initiative
- encouraged youth to participate in the Paint it Up! program and Ottawa Public Library
- graduates obtain opportunity to become SWAG ambassadors who mentor younger youth and speak at United Ways Galas

Richard Lussier (Healthy & Thriving Award)
President, Help Our STudents Program (HOST)
- provides financial support to high school students with difficult financial situations which may impact ability to graduate
- 2016: one male and one female student from 52 high schools in the Ottawa area received $100 per month
- 100% of funds raised are donated directly to students to help them address financial challenges
- funds are used for the purchase of groceries, payments towards rent and utilities, to cover the costs of bus passes, extracurricular activities, lessons, tutoring, class trips, etc.

The New Hot 89.9 fm (Business Award)
Radio station, Partnership with Ottawa School Breakfast Program
- helps to ensure that 13,500 local students in 189 schools start each and every school day with a nutritious breakfast and the readiness to learn
- hosts dance parties 10 times each year, in select schools that run a School Breakfast Program, for students to dance and play with a celebrity DJ, and learn about importance starting off day with a healthy meal, regardless if it came from home or school
- donates amount of air-time for PSAs that raise awareness about childhood hunger in Ottawa, its impact on learning, and the crucial role that the Ottawa School Breakfast Program
- developed partnership with Real Canadian Superstore who pledged to raise $13,500
- helped increase contributions from individual donors to the Ottawa School Breakfast Program by 6.5%, and monthly donors by 88%

James Tanguay (Dr. Dan Offord Award of Excellence)
Youth Health Promoter, South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre
- worked as a front line worker and as a manager of Banff and Heatherington locations during 20 years
- assisted with Project Early Intervention in Banff and expanded Heatherington services from 4 hours a week to over 20 hours
- established partnership with local schools to better support programming
- draws on a wealth of programming ideas and delivers trainings to all community partners
- delivered presentations on child abuse and spoke about experiences of working with children and youth and trauma
- as manager and supervisor, has helped countless students and young employees develop their skill sets to pursue occupations throughout the City of Ottawa