- What is your name and title within your organization? Michael Hone, Executive Director, Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre
- What do you love about your organization and the work that it does? We have an amazing team of employees committed to improving the outcomes of children and families in the Ottawa region.
- Why are you a member of the OCYI Steering Committee? I have been involved in the work of the OCYI for many years and have seen firsthand the improvements made by members of this group in an effort to help children, youth and families.
- Why do you think that the OCYI is important? The work of the OCYI is important as it pulls together representatives from multiple sectors all with the common vision of great outcomes for the Ottawa community. Everyone works together collaboratively with this outcome in mind.
- What is your hope for children and youth in Ottawa? I hope that children and youth in Ottawa are afforded equitable opportunities for growth and success in school, home and community environments.
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