What is your name and title within your organization?
Brett Reynolds, Associate Director of Education, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) - What do you love about your organization and the work that it does? I am a passionate believer in the importance of high quality public education for all as a keystone in developing strong, happy and healthy individuals and a strong, happy and healthy community.
- Why are you a member of the OCYI Steering Committee? The mandate of OCYI aligns very well with that of the OCDSB and we understand that ongoing collaboration with our community partners is the key to addressing some of the complex challenges and barriers that many of our students face.
- What is your hope for children and youth in Ottawa? That they all have access to the supports that they need to grow up healthy, well-educated and able to fulfill their potential.
This story is part of the September 2022 Ovation. This story is also available in French.