About Us

The Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative is a collaborative of community organizations and agencies with a shared vision, mission and values.

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Our Vision

Ensuring all children and youth in Ottawa can reach their full potential and grow up great!

Our Mission

Recognizing the power of collective advocacy and collaborative community efforts and planning, OCYI provides a platform for groups to work together to guide and influence practices, systems and public policy, aimed at nourishing the positive, healthy growth of children and youth in our community.

Our Values

  • Collaborative effort that represents diverse perspectives and maximize impact through programming, services, and resources
  • Incorporating and advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in our messaging, membership, workplans, and initiatives to create a space of belonging
  • Using the fundamental principles of equity, honesty, and transparency to guide our work, we will continue to partner with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis to achieve substantive equality and reconciliation for Indigenous Peoples
  • The fundamental rights of all children and youth as set out it the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • The voice and dignity of every individual is ensured so that each voice is present when making decisions, and developing actions that affect them
  • Understanding the needs of and opportunities for children and youth in Ottawa

Our Long-term Objective

Organizations are able to respond to the evolving mental health and well-being needs of Ottawa’s children and youth

Our Strategic Direction

Learn more about OCYI's Strategic Direction here, including our strategic priorities and task groups. Download Strategic Direction PDF for easier reading (below).

OCYI Theory of Change 2023
OCYI Theory of Change 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 215.5 KB

Our Terms of Reference

OCYI Membership Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI Membership Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI Membership Terms of Reference 2023.
Adobe Acrobat Document 205.7 KB
OCYI Steering Committee Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI Steering Committee Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI SC Terms of Reference 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 216.3 KB
OCYI Task Group Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI Task Group Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI TG Terms of Reference 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 211.5 KB

Our Roots

The Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative builds on a long history of coalitions promoting the healthy development of children and youth in Ottawa.


Bringing together early years (0-6 years), school-aged (6-12 years) and youth (12 years and over) coalitions and organizations, the Initiative works across the age spans and sectors to achieve collective goals and impact.


1999: Success by Six is Launched

  • Success by Six is launched, with community leaders and organizations coming together to work towards a common vision of ensuring that every child would be ready for school.

2002: Middle Childhood Matters

  • Middle Childhood Matters is formed to bring attention to the needs of children in the "middle years" - age 6-12 years.

2007: Child and Youth Agenda

  • Child and Youth Agenda led by the City of Ottawa, United Way Ottawa and key community stakeholders brought forward an "overarching" strategy with a commitment to healthy development across the age span.

2004-2008: Popcorn Group/Youth Count

  • The Popcorn Group/Youth Count, a coalition of youth-serving agencies, works together to improve youth services in Ottawa.

2009: Ottawa Coalition for Children and Youth Formed

  • Ottawa Coalition for Children and Youth forms to advocate and raise awareness for key issues for children and youth in Ottawa.

2011: Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative Launched


2019: Partner of the Kids Comes First Health Team

  • Aligning with the Kids Comes First Health Team to build collaborative relationships while promoting the healthy development of children and youth.