Our Partners

We provide a local platform for organizations to work together to guide and influence policy, systems, and practices aimed at nourishing positive and healthy development of children and youth in our community.


We are creating a database of our membership to help capture key contacts, organizational priorities, expertise, and areas of interest. This database will allow the Initiative to more effectively communicate potential funding opportunities to its membership.


Confirm your membership here.


If your organization is interested in becoming a member of the OCYI network, please contact info@growingupgreat.ca to learn more.


Membership to the OCYI network is open to all those that agree with our mandate and strategic priorities. Members of the Steering Committee and task groups are individuals and representatives from community organizations and networks who work with children, youth and their families and share the vision, mission and values of the OCYI.

  • OCYI has one category of membership: organizational partner
  • These organizational partners are a cross-representation of diverse organizations serving Ottawa
  • Individuals sitting on the Steering Committee and/or the task groups are representatives of their organization
  • Individuals are not members of OCYI although individuals not representing a member organization may participate in OCYI events, use developed materials/resources freely shared with the public, or be on the email list. Individuals may join a task group; individuals are ineligible to be a task group chair or join the Steering Committee.


Roles and Responsibilities:

Active and regular participation by member organizations is essential for the success of the collective work of OCYI.

  • Members identify representatives to join one or more OCYI task group as their organization’s work and goals match the work plans of the task groups
  • Members are strongly encouraged to remember the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in addition to programmatic needs and roles when selecting who to represent them on task groups or if invited to the Steering Committee
  • Delegates may be named to participate in OCYI tables to ensure continuity without affecting member’s status if typical member is unavailable for a meeting
  • To best share materials, internally and externally, OCYI and its members will regularly share resources, events, training opportunities, and programs that benefit the Ottawa community
OCYI Membership Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI Membership Terms of Reference 2023
OCYI Membership Terms of Reference 2023.
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Our Partner Organizations:

CHEO purple logo

The Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario is our host organization, providing us with office space and administrative supports.

United Way East Ontario logo


United Way East Ontario provides our backbone funding


Algonquin College: Early Childhood Education Program

Andrew Fleck Childcare Services

Banff Community House


Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa

Blair Court Community House

BGC Ottawa
Vanier Community Services Centre

Le CAP (Centre d’appui et de prévention) 

Centrepointe Co-operative Nursery School

Centretown Community Health Centre

Champlain Maternal Newborn Regional Program 


Child Care Council of Ottawa

Children's Aid Society of Ottawa

Children's Inclusion Support Services

Children's Village of Ottawa-Carleton

Christie Lake Kids

City of Ottawa 

City of Ottawa- Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services

City View Child & Family Services

Coalition of Community Health and Resource Centre

Community Action Program for Children

Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE)

Conseil des écoles publiques de l'Est de l'Ontario (CEPEO)

Cornerstone Children’s Centre

Crossroads Children's Mental Health Centre

Early Learning Centre, La Cité Collegiale


Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre

Elmridge School Age Program

Family Services Ottawa

Grandir ensemble

Hawthorne Meadows Nursery School

Kanata Research Park Family Centre

KidSport Ottawa



Lowertown Community Resource Centre

Lowertown Good Neighbors Community House

Michele Heights Community House

Military Family Services - National Capital Region

Ministry of Child, Community and Social Services

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

Mothercraft Ottawa

Nanny Goat Hill Headstart Nursery School

Orleans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre

Osgoode Youth Association

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

Ottawa Catholic School Board

Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization

Inuuqatigiit Centre for Inuit Children, Youth and Families

Ottawa Network for Education (ONFE) 

Ottawa Police Service

Ottawa Public Health

Ottawa Public Library 

Parent Resource Centre


Pickering Centre for Research in Human Development, Carleton University

Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre

First Words
Rural Family Connections Russell Heights Community House
Bethany Hope Centre-Salvation Army Service Coordination Support
Somerset West Community Health Centre

South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre 

St. Mary's Home United Way East Ontario

Vanier Co-op

Westboro Village Cooperative Preschool

Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre 

YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region

Youth Ottawa

Youth Services Bureau


Youville Centre