Critical Hours

The Critical Hours Task Group brings together organizations that provide programming for children and youth outside of school hours. This includes homework clubs, after school programs, summer camps, recreation programs, youth drop-in, and others.


See below free resources developed by the task group.


Cette page en français, cliquez ici.

The 3 Pillars of Critical Hours Programming

Critical hours programs skill development, safe & supported spaces, and positive relationships for children and youth. These programs happen in the hours outside of school. Click to access free training videos!

Safe & Support spaces logo: cartoon of a child in a house made of two adults, in front of the sun

Summer Literacy (Lit Kit)

Our Summer Literacy program aims to promote literacy for children and youth while they are on summer break, maintaining their engagement in their education. Click to access the Lit Kit!

Summer Lit Kit logo of a blue monster reading an orange book

A Black boy and a white boy smiling together

Critical Hours Programs in Ottawa

See a map of critical hours programs in Ottawa!

150 Hours of Programming

The Ottawa Child & Youth Initiative Critical Hours Task Group developed a resource tool called 150 Days of Programming to aid frontline workers of critical-hours programs in easily integrating quality, skill-building activities into their programming. You can view this resource at


Three Pillars training flyer
Critical Hours Resources Flyer
Download the flyer to share about Critical Hours resources, including these videos. File includes flyer in both English and French.
Critical Hours Resources Promo 2024-BIL.
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB