The Ottawa Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Initiative brings together service providers from across sectors interested in building a system of care for infant and early childhood mental health through collective impact in the greater Ottawa community. Research clearly demonstrates the importance of optimal early mental health, and the lifelong impacts of the early years.
Families, parents, and caregivers, click here for information for you!
Professionals, to get involved, learn more about the IECMH Education & Awareness task group and how you can learn more to support young children and families by clicking here.
Cette page en français, cliquez ici.
The Pause. Moments Matter in the Life of a Child campaign was developed to raise awareness about the importance of infant and early childhood mental health. Everyone can take action to promote and protect infant and early childhood mental health where we live, work and play.
Through Practice Change Champions, we are aiming to influence practice and organizational change to include attachment and early childhood mental health in community programs and services. Professionals working with children 0-6 years and their families, learn more and join the email list on this page.