Cette page en français, cliquez ici.
Phone: 613-260-2360 or 1-877-377-7775
Website: 1Call1Click.ca
Twitter: @1Call1Click_ca
Instagram: 1call1click.ca
Email: info@1call1click.ca
1Call1Click: transformational regional coordinated access and navigation service. This bilingual service is designed to match kids, youth and families living in Eastern Ontario with the right mental health, substance use health and addiction services, at the right time. An initiative of the Kids Come First Health Team brings together 33 local providers of child and youth mental health, substance use health and addiction services.
Parenting in Ottawa is where parents go to get in the know. Speak with a public health nurse online, over the phone, or in person. Ottawa Public Health and its community partners offer these free services to make it easier for children to grow up healthy.
Web: parentinginottawa.ca
Email: parentinginottawa@ottawa.ca
Social Media: Facebook.com/ParentingInOttawa and Instagram @ParentsOttawa
Phone: 2-1-1 or 613-761-9076
TTY: 1-855-405-7446
Website: 211EasternOntario.ca
Email: GetHelp@211ontario.ca
211: This free, confidential and multilingual Information and Referral service allows callers to access a full range of non-emergency community, social, government, and health services. Community Navigators provide this service seven days a week.
Parent Resource Centre: Talk to someone who understands parenting. The team at Parent Resource Centre (PRC) will provide the support you need. As a family resource centre, we help you draw on your life experiences, your inner strength and wisdom so you and your family can better manage the challenges that life brings. Please call our Parent Support Phone Line available Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm.
Tel: 613-565-2467 ext. 222
Website: www.parentresource.ca
Email: information@parentresource.ca
To request the poster complete this request form. Posters, tearaway pads, and bookmarks are available to most organizations at no charge.
The OCPS wants parents to feel supported in being the best parents they can be! We recognize that all parents have questions about different areas of parenting, and we want to encourage our member organizations to open up the channels of discussion around child health, parenting best practices, workshops, events, etc. We have designed the "Just Ask" poster to create common messaging in this endeavour across the city.